Saturday, October 15, 2016

Global warming

When it comes to the science of global warming.....I mean climate change, it's just a big joke. Summer is hot, winter is cold, and the fall/spring months are transitions. It has been that way since the beginning of time and nothing humans can do will change it.

Algore goes around the world spreading his ideas of rising sea levels and the extinction of the polar bears. I think he is still mad that he didn't become president after the 2000 election, so he hates everybody in the West. He especially hates America and wants revenge!!!

Prince Charles wants to end capitalism. Somebody needs to remind him that capitalism is the only way his family gets money to subsidize their lifestyle. The British royals live in luxury as long as others prosper under a capitalist society. The end of capitalism will lead to revolution and the end of the royal family in Great Britain. I guarantee it.

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