Note: This post was originally written in 2014, after the Cantor primary defeat.
Peter Beinart wrote a piece stating that the Republican Party must change policies to get more minorities into the party. Coming off the heels of Cantor's defeat, it sounds like a person that is shocked that a politician that does not represent a district well lost to a person who can articulate their core principles.
Peter Beinart wrote a piece stating that the Republican Party must change policies to get more minorities into the party. Coming off the heels of Cantor's defeat, it sounds like a person that is shocked that a politician that does not represent a district well lost to a person who can articulate their core principles.
Why should we fall for this trap of appealing to small group
of people? People won't respect the person that calls themselves Republicans
but mouth Democratic ideas and principles. Why should be try to appeal to these
groups and treat them like their problems are unique. Democrats promise
everything to all these victim groups and never deliver. Why we emulate that
solution and put the GOP brand in jeopardy.
Since 2014, the Republicans have taken control of Congress. However, with Donald Trump as the face of the Republican Party for this electoral cycle, the RINOs in the party have taken control. Trump, the narcissistic, ego-maniacal scumbag, has killed the modern day Republican Party and turned it into a cult of personality around himself. Trump, the ultimate RINO, is the reason why I left the Republican Party, a party that has been my home since I registered in 2003.

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