Saturday, October 15, 2016


General Sports
Commentary on sports

1. NFL - The NFL is the best sports league in the United States and will stay that way for a long time. The only thing that can bring it down is left-wingers trying to destroy the game by regulating it to death. Concussion rules and other regulation will hurt the product.

The NFL should expand the fan base - that’s a given. However, no NFL team should EVER be based outside the United States. No teams in England, Europe, Canada, Mexico, anywhere else other than the good ole US of A.

Favorite Team: Green Bay Packers - 13 time world champions.

2. MLB - Baseball is as American as apple pie. However, the season is too long. I would cut the season in half - make every game count even more. I would get rid of inter-league games and the Chicago Cubs (joking on the Cubs)

Favorite team: Minnesota Twins

In terms of New York City baseball franchises, I would root for the bubonic plague over the Mets and the Yankees.

3.  NHL - I understand that hockey is a Canadian sport but it is more entertaining to watch live than most sports. Hockey has speed, excitement, and fighting, along with the punishment system second to none.

Favorite team: Rapid City Rush

4. NBA - Basketball is a sport that I used to enjoy but now with the players making stupendous amounts of money and the sheer arrogance of most of them, I don't watch it unless I'm bored or in the middle of the playoffs.

I cannot stand Lebron James - he flips and flops more than a house of pancakes, both on and off the court

Favorite team: No NBA team wants me as a fan, Spurs if I had to choose.

Finally, a dishonorable mention: Soccer is an international sports for countries that don't have a decent military and can't win wars. If you can't use your hands (unless you're SPECIAL and call yourself a goalie), and the time clock goes the wrong way, it should not be called a sport. It in the same category as cheer-leading for sports - on the margins.

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