Sunday, October 9, 2016

Gun control

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution.

With a string of gun violence and school shootings in the past 20 years, some people including members of Congress want to ban certain types of firearms from being sold to the common citizens. Certain weapons such as the AR-15 and handguns are targeted because of their effectiveness as a weapon. These weapons, they claim, should not be sold on the open market.

However, when it comes to guns, the 2nd amendment is clear when it states that the right of the American citizen to keep and use guns shall not be regulated by the government. An armed citizenry is a free citizenry. Guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens is the best defense against tyranny whether at home or in Washington D.C. More guns in the hands of citizens is better than any guns in the hands of criminals

If celebrities can have armed guards, citizens should have arms. It seems hypocritical to me when Rosie O'Donnell was hammering away against gun rights then turns around and requests that her bodyguard get a concealed weapons permit. Even gun control advocate need the comfort of a weapon in their hands to feel safe.

In recent months, after the Orlando shootings, Democrats want to strip people of our rights without due process. Linking the no fly list to the ability to purchase a firearm without being able to challenge either one is plain stupid and borderline tyrannical.

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