Worst movies I have watched
I have seen my fair share of bad movies. I'm not a
connoisseur of bad films but I do enjoy watching some bad films and somebody
make fun of the films that were horribly (and somewhat horribly) made. Here's
my list of the twelve of the worst films I have ever watched.

12. Batman & Robin (1997) - The movie that killed the
franchise, starring Clooney, Schwarzenegger, Uma Thurman, and many others that
overacted and made Batman a laughing stock of a franchise until it was
rebooted. Mr. Freeze's puns and the overall direction of the film was cringe-worthy from beginning to end.

11. Elmo in Grouchland - a horribly made movie by a puppet
handled by a pervert, this movie should have been rewritten to eliminate Elmo
and replaced him with some other puppet.

10. Howard the Duck - George Lucas is known for his
award-winning and financially successful movies. This is not one of them.

Hopefully when Marvel/Disney make a new Howard the Duck, they don't repeat the
same mistakes as this 1986 monstrosity. The whole premise of the film made no sense and the costume for Howard was horribly done.
9. Plan 9 from Outer Space - a movie made by Ed Wood, the
godfather of bad movies, this movie has an odd plot involving space aliens
animating the corpses of Tor Johnson and Vampira to take over the world. If
this the ninth plan, how bad were the first eight? Bela Lugosi was in the
beginning but was replaced by a guy who tried miserably to act liked him.
Disaster Movie (8)
& Meet the Spartans (7) - These two parody movies should be scrapped into
the ash-heap of history. Poorly made, produced, and written by two dumb
screenwriters who try to make fun of movies with horribly executed jokes and

6. Santa Claus Conquers the Martians - Christmas films are
hit and miss. This one is a pure miss. Martians wanting to bring Santa Claus to
their home planet is about as entertaining as watching grass growing. Jamie Farr is in this movie but shows up almost at the end as a lacky for the bad guy

Hobgoblins 1 (5) & Hobgoblins 2 (4) - I watched
Hobgoblins on MST3k, it made the movie entertaining. However, this does not
make up for the fact that these are awful film. My first attempt at watching the sequel, I fell asleep. I eventually watch the film all the way through. I wish I hadn't.
3. Beast of Yucca Flats - a
Coleman Francis film with Tor Johnson
as a scientist that was hit by an
atomic blast that turned him into a mindless Beast. The actors could not speak on screen due to a lack of film dubbing so any voices were heard off screen. The plot meanders like the Beast and had certain holes that were not resolved.
2. Monster a Go-Go is one of the worst films because of the
production problems and the fact that the
end - "there was no
monster" - made this a candidate for worst film ever. I have only watched
this film via MST3k. I don't think I could survive watching this without the
MST3k commentary.

And the top worst film..............
Manos, the Hands of Fate - created in 1966 on a bet, this
movie should be shown in Film Making 101 on how NOT to make a movie. Various
errors in plot and storyline, dialogue, production, voice dubbing, lighting,
and overall sense of incompetence mires this movie in a cinematic cesspool. The
fact that even the director thought it was bad, one of the main actors (John
Reynolds - Torgo) commits suicide after the movie is made, and that the only
reason anybody remembers this is MST3k making fun of it.